Wes Carr » Coaching http://www.wescarr.com.au Music, Tour News and Buffalo Tales Wed, 24 Feb 2016 10:57:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.0.10 SPIRIT SONGS and SPIRIT SOUNDS http://www.wescarr.com.au/music/spirit-sounds/ http://www.wescarr.com.au/music/spirit-sounds/#comments Wed, 24 Feb 2016 10:52:41 +0000 http://www.wescarr.com.au/?p=1179   HI Guys! I have just recently launched my new online songwriting course SPIRIT SONGS! It’s unbelievable how many talented people are out there. I’ve been doing Skype sessions with so many people in the world. They all are amazing. I’m seeing great results and even better than that, i’m[...]

The post SPIRIT SONGS and SPIRIT SOUNDS appeared first on Wes Carr.



HI Guys!

I have just recently launched my new online songwriting course SPIRIT SONGS! It’s unbelievable how many talented people are out there.

I’ve been doing Skype sessions with so many people in the world. They all are amazing.

I’m seeing great results and even better than that, i’m seeing becoming more empowered within themselves. That’s really the main thing we focus on, working on your own boundaries and limitations that you put on yourselves. Hey, Everyone does it.

My vision for Spirit Songs is to create a community of artists that come together and create for the love of art.

The purpose for Spirit Songs is to help unlock the greater creative potential in everyone.

You don’t have to be an artist to create art, we all have potential in doing so. Sometimes it just takes someone else to unlock it..

If you would like to Join the community then you can sign up here at wescarr.com.au/spiritsongs



For those of you who might not feel a calling to create art but just love to be inspired, moved, or watch art being created from the audience.. I am in the process of setting up SPIRIT SOUNDS

Spirit sounds will be the Big Brother to “Spirit Songs.” It will be the umbrella to everything i create. I will talk about how my own  spirituality  shaped the course of my life and about my own inner deepest  thoughts, share some demons and i’ll share what has inspired me also.

I’ll talk about meditation and my experiences, conscious living,conscious eating, Fatherhood, India, and generally touring and travelling around the world.

I will post my own meditation music that i will create purely for the spirit sounds community.

It will all be presented in a video of some sort.

There is a brand new Facebook page – Wes Carr’s Spirit Sounds.

This will be a page that i’ll upload new inspirations and exciting material. Music, art, spiritual stuff… you name it.. it will be good content and something for everyone.

Eventually i’d like to tour Spirit Sounds and bring a whole community of like minded souls together.

For now,

I’ll plant a tiny seed and watch it grow..









The post SPIRIT SONGS and SPIRIT SOUNDS appeared first on Wes Carr.

http://www.wescarr.com.au/music/spirit-sounds/feed/ 0
Spirit Songs – Creative Coaching with Wes Carr http://www.wescarr.com.au/spirit-songs/creative-coaching-available-now/ http://www.wescarr.com.au/spirit-songs/creative-coaching-available-now/#comments Mon, 11 Jan 2016 13:00:20 +0000 http://www.wescarr.com.au/?p=1163 The music industry can be a maze and that is why i have launched a brand new creative coaching course online for you today titled ‘SPIRIT SONGS‘. Whether it is, unlocking your highest potential in songwriting and crafting a song, to helping you with an audition or approaching your live[...]

The post Spirit Songs – Creative Coaching with Wes Carr appeared first on Wes Carr.

The music industry can be a maze and that is why i have launched a brand new creative coaching course online for you today titled ‘SPIRIT SONGS‘.

Whether it is, unlocking your highest potential in songwriting and crafting a song, to helping you with an audition or approaching your live performance, i can help guide you and get out of your head and into your heart more.

We as artists of today, need to stick together, and this is what i aim to achieve, to create a hub for people to go to when they are hitting those writers block walls or feeling disillusioned with the music industry.

My course ‘spirit songs‘ is the first step into a new world, where people will be able to get support and guidance for what they need to help achieve their personal dreams and build their own industry with their greatest passion.

Click here to register now!

The post Spirit Songs – Creative Coaching with Wes Carr appeared first on Wes Carr.

http://www.wescarr.com.au/spirit-songs/creative-coaching-available-now/feed/ 0